Resource Library

Our resource library may help you with any financial issues you may have.

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Financial and Investment Resource Library

Download our free company brochure

Introduction to Estate Capital

Our company brochure that covers our status and qualifications, areas of financial advice, services and investment management.

Download our free investment outlook brochure

Investment Portfolio Outlook

Our latest global markets investment outlook and performance report.

Investment Outlook Brochure
Download our free investment overview brochure

Investment Portfolios Overview

Understand some of the rationale behind our investment selections. We pride ourselves on the level of research we undertake when selecting investments for the Estate Capital Portfolios.

Investment Overview Brochure
Download our free guide to investment management

A Guide to Investment Management

Maximise your returns with a level of risk you’re entirely comfortable with.

Guide to Investment Management
Download our free guide to retirement planning

A Guide to Retirement Planning

A guide to help you make better informed pension decisions that are right for you.

Guide to Retirement Planning
Download our free guide to retirement planning

A Guide to your Retirement Options

A comprehensive guide on the options available to help you make better informed pension decisions that are right for you.

Guide to your Retirement Options
Download our free guide to retirement income

A Guide to Retirement Income

Maximise your returns and have confidence that your retirement portfolio will deliver a reliable income.

Guide to Retirement Income
Download our free guide to estate planning

A Guide to Estate Planning

Help your children inherit more and give them the best future possible.

Guide to Estate Planning
Download our free guide to family and business protection

A Guide to Family & Business Protection

Ensure your financial security for when you might need it most.

Guide to Family & Business Protection
Download our free guide to Personal Financial Portal

A Guide to Personal Financial Portal

Your Personal Finance Portal provides you with a clear overview of your finances and the ability to manage and track them in one place.

Guide to Personal Financial Portal
Download our free Cautious Portfolio

Cautious Portfolio

The Cautious portfolio is a blended growth strategy holding equal passive and actively managed funds. It is aimed at medium to longer term investors, who seek a relatively cautious investment that has the genuine prospect of capital growth at a competitive cost.

Cautious Portfolio
Download our free Conservative Portfolio

Conservative Portfolio

The Conservative portfolio is a blended growth strategy holding equal passive and actively managed funds. It is aimed at medium to longer term investors, who seek above average capital growth from a cautious to balanced risk portfolio at a competitive cost.

Conservative Portfolio
Download our free Balanced Portfolio

Balanced Portfolio

The Balanced Portfolio is a blended growth strategy holding equal passive and actively managed funds. It is aimed at medium to longer term investors, who seek above average capital growth from a balanced risk portfolio at a competitive cost.

Balanced Portfolio
Download our free Strategic Portfolio

Strategic Portfolio

The Strategic Portfolio is a blended growth strategy holding equal passive and actively managed funds. It is aimed at medium to longer term investors, who seek above average capital growth from a balanced to speculative portfolio of mainly equity investments at a competitive cost.

Strategic Portfolio
Download our free Speculative Portfolio

Speculative Portfolio

The Speculative Portfolio is a blended growth strategy holding equal passive and actively managed funds. It is aimed at medium to longer term investors, who seek above average capital growth from a speculative portfolio of mainly global equity investments at a competitive cost.

Speculative Portfolio
Download our free financial planning questionnaire

Financial Planning Questionnaire

Our principle “Know your Client” document that we complete with you.

Financial Planning
Download our free attitude to risk questionnaire

Attitude to Risk Questionnaire

This questionnaire helps us assess your capacity for loss and your attitude to risk.

Attitude to Risk
Download our free portfolio investment selection questionnaire

Portfolio Investment Selection Questionnaire

This questionnaire helps us select the most relevant investments for you.

Portfolio Investment Selection
Download our free financial planning questionnaire

Expenditure Analysis

Our easy to use summary sheet to understand your outgoings and expenditure.

Expenditure Analysis
Download our free private client agreement

Private Client Agreement

Our terms and conditions for engaging private clients.

Private Client Agreement
Download our free corporate client agreement

Corporate Client Agreement

Our terms and conditions for engaging corporate clients.

Corporate Client Agreement
Download our complaints procedure

Complaints Procedure

All Financial Conduct Authority(FCA) authorised firms have a complaints handling procedure. Here is ours.

Complaints Procedure
Download our letter of authority

Letter of Authority

A letter of authority gives us access to investment and policy information held on your behalf.

Letter of Authority
Download our privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Your data will be used for the sole purpose of providing financial advice, administration and management.

Privacy Policy

Our Contacts

Estate Capital Financial Management
7 Uplands Crescent,
Swansea, South Wales,
SA2 0PA.
Tel: 01792 477763