ESG Sustainable Portfolios

Consider an ethical and sustainable investment strategy.

Discretionary Investment Management

ESG Ethical and Sustainable Portfolios

Sustainability and fair opportunity have led to investors pursuing the concept of a healthy balance between investment returns and the long-term preservation of our natural resources and the respectful treatment of labour and equality.

Socially responsible investment (SRI) and the use of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment criteria to guide investments has moved into the investment mainstream. There is now overwhelming evidence that sustainable investment can deliver comparable returns with traditional investments and offer opportunities for outperformance based on reduced risk.

Many private investors want a more active, objective driven approach. There is a realisation that ESG focused investments are not just philanthropic but a way to future proofing your investments where performance need not be compromised.

We can offer through the Crossing Point Green Path portfolios a positive approach to ethical and sustainable investment. This is achieved by integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into the investment processes.

Green Path Portfolios are designed for ethically minded investors requiring capital growth and offer a range of three risk related portfolios, where the underlying assets are low-cost passive index tracking funds or exchange traded funds.

These funds fully comply with established environmental, ethical, and social (ESG) selection criteria for sustainability. We monitor the ethical integrity of the underlying funds using established national ratings.

This portfolio range provides diversity of assets and seeks capital growth across global equity and bond markets at a low cost to the investor.

The portfolios are monitored daily but updated, reviewed, and rebalanced as needed.

There are three risk related Green Path strategies and all portfolios are benchmarked against the most relevant Investment Association (IA) national average.

Client Story - Investment Advice

Someone you can trust
Elizabeth Roberts

It’s Chris’s personal approach that makes all the difference to me, it makes such a difference having someone you can trust. When my husband died, I was very fragile, and Chris understood that.
Chris Davies

Chris Davies

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Chris Davies

Chartered Financial Adviser
Phil Johnson

Phil Johnson

Independent Financial Adviser View Profile

Phil Johnson

Independent Financial Adviser
Kevin Jones

Kevin Jones

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Kevin Jones

Independent Financial Adviser
Robin Burden

Robin Burden

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Robin Burden

Chartered Financial Planner

Call 01792 477763 today or contact us and we'll take the time to understand your financial objectives before recommending a solution that's right for you.

Our Contacts

Estate Capital Financial Management
7 Uplands Crescent,
Swansea, South Wales,
SA2 0PA.
Tel: 01792 477763