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21 May 2017

Latin America – A Poor Performer in Q3

Latin America was a poor performer in Q3. The combination of weak Chinese data and inaction over US interest rates unsettled markets. Falling GDP provided a negative backdrop for Latin America, but the credit downgrade of Brazil to BBB+ was…

21 May 2017

One Country That has Stood out for Growth is Vietnam

Since 2008, Vietnamese productivity has improved more rapidly than for any of its other Asian neighbours. Over this period modern factories and abundant cheap labour has led to dramatic productivity gains. With the wage rate a quarter of that of…

21 May 2017

Ireland has Become the Eurozone’s Star Performer

In 2010, Ireland almost went bust after the state was forced to prop up a bankrupt banking sector. Now two years after exiting an IMF and EU bailout package, it has become the Eurozone’s star performer. Along with a rejuvenated…


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