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22 May 2017

Where next for the UK?

The FTSE 100 index like many other developed stock markets has had a turbulent ride this year. It started January at 6100 and fell to 5536 by mid-February after the fall in oil price and the devaluation of the renminbi…

22 May 2017

The US is getting close to full employment

After a nasty slide in US stock values in January, US markets have bounced back sharply erasing their losses and regaining record levels. For example, the S&P 500 index fell to 1829 in January to recover to 2098 by early…

22 May 2017

What Next for the UK and EU?

The implications to British business over Brexit is that in the short term the uncertainty following the ‘divorce’ negotiations are likely to prompt companies to postpone or cancel investment and additional recruitment. Multinational companies located in the UK in order…

22 May 2017

The Impact of Brexit

Politically and economically the 23rd of June 2016 will go down as a momentous day in British history. Britain’s narrow decision to leave the EU came as a major shock to markets, institutions and politicians; none were really prepared for…

22 May 2017

Portfolio Selections – July 2016

Over the past year, every time the Fed thought that the world was strong enough to cope with a rise in the Fed Funds rate, China has countered by devaluing the renminbi. Each time has provoked a very negative reaction…

Boris Johnson Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
22 May 2017

Market Reaction to the Brexit Vote

We have woken up this morning to a referendum result which we did not expect when we went to bed last night particularly after the initial polls showed a Remain lead. Capital and currency markets, which had likewise not anticipated…


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