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Noel Quinn Managing director of HSBC
7 December 2023

The worst of China’s property crisis is over.

HSBC Chief Executive Noel Quinn has suggested that the worst of China’s property crisis is over and now expects the Chinese property market to stabilise. This outlook will be seen as a very important commentary on the situation within China.…

Virat Kohli Indian cricket player
6 December 2023

India recorded year on year GDP growth of 7.8% in Q3.

India has been one of the fastest growing major economies this year. India recorded year on year GDP growth of 7.8% in Q3. India’s robust economy has high foreign exchange reserves, manageable debt to GDP levels and well contained fiscal…

President Joe Biden
29 November 2023

Joe Bidens economy is booming?

In Q3, the US posted GDP growth figures of 4.9%. This was way above any other major developed country. This was a remarkable growth figure given the rates of inflation, interest rates and economic outlook. The third quarter growth was…


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