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Donald Trump
25 March 2020

More better news than bad

US markets rallied by between 9% and 11% yesterday as investors priced in two pieces of good news. Donald Trump surprised markets by suggesting yesterday that the US lockdown could be over by Easter. Clearly this timeline is not in…

Busy trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange
24 March 2020

Have we found a floor?

In the past few weeks, we have witnessed the most dramatic loss of wealth and liberty that the world can recall in peacetime. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen by 32.3% and millions of people throughout the world are…

Emergency military hospital during Spanish Flu epidemic
24 March 2020

Lessons from 1917?

Perhaps we can learn from the stock market performance from 1917 when the world was gripped by both the Great War and deadliest flu virus in history. The so called Spanish Flu infected an estimated 500 million people which in…

Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer
23 March 2020

Governments to the rescue?

In this past week we have witnesses a massive ramping up of action taken by national governments and central banks across the world as they seek to win the battle against the health and economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic.…

Portfolio selections
16 March 2020

Advice for investors

Last week was the worst week for stock markets since 2008. The FTSE 100 index has in one month fallen in value by 27%. It stood at 7452 on Valentine’s Day and by Friday 13th March was down to 5366.…

Governor Jerome Powell
16 March 2020

Markets endure their worst week since 1987

Back in November 2019, when I was conducting my research for the 32nd Edition of our investment portfolios, the outbreak of Coronavirus in Wuhan province and the impact it was starting to have upon the health of China was one…

Red Budget Box
12 March 2020

Spring Budget 2020 Summary

Rishi Sunak’s first Budget took place against the backdrop of the global outbreak of COVID-19. Not surprisingly the UK’s response to this was the initial focus – providing some much needed short term financial measures in the current uncertainty, from…

Oil price falls adds to stock markets pressures
10 March 2020

Oil price falls adds to stock markets pressures

Monday saw world stock markets fall by around 8% due to the combination of the still unknown economic impact of the growing Coronavirus pandemic and sudden heavy falls in the price of Brent crude oil. Oil prices have plunged by…


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