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Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
14 April 2020

The USA has turned a corner.

Health and economic data are being poured over in the pursuit of the correct policy decision to exit the UK lockdown successfully. This is a delicate balance between the current and near future heath of the nation and the near…

Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
9 April 2020

The political stakes could not be higher.

We have for the past year held a heavy underweight position to European equities due to scepticism over the scale of fiscal spend that could be mustered to combat poor economic growth. It was expected that the coronavirus outbreak would…

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte
8 April 2020

We expect markets to continue their recent rally

As Italian and Spanish new coronavirus case growth has slowed, sentiment has been buoyed, culminating in the US market’s 7% rally on Monday. Both countries represented the epicentre of the European impact and therefore are expected to be the first…

3 April 2020

We are not out of the woods yet.

The coronavirus is having a severe effect on global economic activity and amidst considerable uncertainty analysts and economists are trying to gauge the impact and update forecasts. Several are suggesting that the world economy will contract this year by 3%,…

Bank of England
3 April 2020

Lessons from the Great Financial Crisis

It is expected that the contraction in global activity in 2020 will be around 3% and this will exceed that seen in the first year of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 when global GDP contracted by 0.5%. However,…

processing zone in the eastern city of Jiujian
1 April 2020

The news is starting to improve and so are markets

Markets rallied early this week as investors anticipated fiscal spending reaching the real economy and new coronavirus case growth slowed in Italy and Spain. Whilst the overall number of cases and deaths continues to mount in Italy the growth in…

Federal Reserve Building, Washington DC, USA.
30 March 2020

What happens from here?

March 2020 has witnessed capital markets display quite extraordinary dynamics. In this past four weeks, we have experienced both bear market conditions with falls of in excess of 20% and bull market conditions with stock gains of over 20% in…

US senate
26 March 2020

The global political will seems to be there.

Despite some concerns at the end of the day as the US Senate wrangled over the details of the $2trn US fiscal stimulus, US markets closed in positive territory for the second consecutive day. This may not sound remarkable but…


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