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Busy trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange
4 May 2020

The S&P 500 is up 31%

Last week saw a number of significant economic results for Q1 being published. Several major companies released their results as did government agencies publish their GDP figures. The big tech companies such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Amazon all recorded…

Boris Johnson, U.K. prime minister, delivers a speech outside 10 Downing Street.
27 April 2020

Has the lock down gone on too long already?

It is expected that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will return to No 10 today and take control of public policy amid growing cabinet concerns that the lockdown has gone on too long already. Senior cabinet ministers are voicing concerns that…

Empty London. Oxford Circus with no traffic or pedestrians.
27 April 2020

A great act of social discipline.

The latest readings on the global economy are quite shocking and the challenges of fully lifting the lockdown soon mean that a swift V shape rebound in economic activity looks less likely. The latest health figures show that the pandemic…

oil tanker ship sailing on open sea
27 April 2020

Oil is left unwanted.

Last week the price of oil fell for the first time ever to below zero. The US focused West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil price collapsed to -US$40.32 pb last Monday when traders had to pay to get rid of their…

German Chancellor Angela Merkel
27 April 2020

A show of EU solidarity?

Angela Merkel stated ahead of Thursday’s critical EU summit that she believes that Germany should be ready to make far larger contributions to the EU budget and that extra funding should be provided in the spirit of solidarity but for…

Laboratory examination of Virus
20 April 2020

Gilead to the rescue?

Gilead, the California-based biotech company has developed an anti-viral drug that some experts hope could stop the Covid-19 virus from replicating. The drug was originally developed for Ebola, but has never been approved. Gilead’s Remdesivir drug has shown early positive…

Portfolio selections
20 April 2020

An update on recent investment portfolio performance.

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, we have been monitoring our investment portfolios and their underlying fund holdings. Due to the generally more cautious positions we have been taking within our portfolios over the past 18 months as the…


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7 Uplands Crescent,
Swansea, South Wales,
SA2 0PA.
Tel: 01792 477763