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Governor Jerome Powell
18 May 2020

Democrats propose another US$3tn stimulus package.

As US policymakers weigh the next stage of stimulus to bolster their faltering economy, Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell has warned that the economic path ahead is still highly uncertain with significant downside risks. To avoid a prolonged recession and…

US China trade negotiations
11 May 2020

US-China trade negotiations restart.

It was encouraging to hear the news last week, that US-China Phase Two negotiations will be restarting. Negotiations last year were decidedly bumpy, and we should expect a similar passage in this round of talks. Donald Trump’s recent comments suggesting…

Boris Johnson Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
4 May 2020

The start of our journey to normality.

The British people have reduced the impact of Covid-19 through a great act of social discipline but our discipline now looks to be starting to fray. More people are travelling or starting back to work. Maintaining the lockdown when we…


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